
Youth Exchange KA152 Erasmus Plus.


During the exchange, we worked on self-awareness and body awareness, non-verbal communication, trust, and active listening, with the aim of planting in the participants the seed of solidarity, tolerance and empathy, so that they can then transform their societies towards greater inclusion and respect.

Through a combination of non-formal education activities, methods borrowed from Argentinean tango and dance and movement techniques, the participants were motivated and and empowered to act against discrimination, racism, sexism, bullying, and exclusion, and thus become active citizens and generate social change.

The main objectives of the project are:

  • Social Integration and Inclusion: The art of dance and body movement is one of the non-formal methods used to achieve social integration and inclusion.


  • Intercultural Learning and Intercultural Dialogue: In times of large migratory flows from Middle Eastern countries to Europe, the first step towards coexistence is to be aware of the different cultures and the elements that make them up.
    In our project, the special characteristics of the processes occurring in the sphere of dance and movement in different countries helped participants to understand each culture and how people interact and influence each other in everyday life within that culture, and they gained a deeper cultural understanding, cultural awareness and empathy.


  • Teamwork and cooperation: One of the main factors in non-formal education is self-awareness which, in turn, is used in teamwork and cooperation.


  • To use dance and body movement to express emotions, to listen actively, to become self-aware and thus to raise awareness of social issues.


Project partners:

Creative Youthland (Greece)
Ógras (Ireland)
TAVO EUROPA (Lithuania)
Loesje Palestine (Palestine)


The exchange took place from 8 to 13 November 2022 in Cartagena. Prior to this, a preparatory visit took place on 27 and 28 September 2022.


Click here to see the video of the final exhibition in Cartagena.


Actividad de Bailando en Diversidad Actividad de Bailando en Diversidad Actividad de Bailando en Diversidad Actividad de Bailando en Diversidad Foto de Grupo de Bailando en Diversidad

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Last modified: diciembre 5, 2022